


Main Goal

To foster social inclusion of young people with migrant background through the development of entrepreneurial mindset that will support them in realizing small-scale business ideas, particularly in the field of natural goods’ trade. 


– Develop cultural interactions and dialogue through sharing and exchanging of knowledge and expertise on natural products from origin and host countries, contributing to the development of inclusive, acceptive communities, 
– Provide flexible yet comprehensive upskilling opportunities to young people with migrant background, and potentially other socially marginalised/disadvantaged groups, 
– Support the continuous professional and personal development of adult trainers working in the field of social inclusion
Horizontal: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport
Youth: Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship

Target Groups

– Young people with a migrant background
– Trainers involved in the situation and needs analysis study
– Trainers participating in the “NaturalOrigins Train-the-Trainers Workshops” and “NaturalOrigins Training”
– Participating Organizations
– Various Stakeholders (NGOs, migrant/refugee associations, local businesses, etc.)
– Policy Makers and Authorities

Expected Outcomes

– The “NaturalOrigins Training Package” will include two parts of five units each, comprising 30 hours of training in total.
– The “NaturalOrigins Train-the-Trainer Manual”
– The “NaturalOrigins Online Learning Space” that will provide instant access to both previously mentioned result
– The “NaturalOrigins Workshops and Training”
– The Policy Recommendations Paper for trainers and relevant organisations


Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation among organisations and institutions
Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in youth
Start of Project: 01/05/2023
End of Project: 31/10/2024
Project Duration: 18 months
Acronym: NaturalOrigins

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